I have the incredible honour of helping entrepreneurs discover their unique magic and turn it into profitable, heart-centred businesses. How do I do it? Through the power of messaging, storytelling, and, most importantly, the wild beating heart of their own voice. The...
The end of April arrived with the shock news of my auntie’s death, and the end of May came with a funeral that was a heart-felt tribute to her life. And all around me, the lush green, the fennel and dandelion and plantain and nettles that I pick from the garden and...
I want to talk about values and desire. At first glance, these two things might seem to be almost opposites. You might assume that they could even get in the way of each other. And you’d be right. At first glance. A lot of my clients, when we look at their values,...
Seven years ago I was living in Laos teaching English to a motley crew of classes ranging from super-cute six-year olds (mostly called ‘Lucky’ and ‘Cookie’) to the Ministry of Finance (they were the worst students by far). Whenever I walked anywhere, the lined-up...
Lots of people (myself included) have started to choose a word for their year, as a January ritual to set our intention for the months ahead. (Susannah Conway started it, I believe, with her ‘find your word’ course.) Last year, my word was TRUTH. And just in case...