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Are you cheating on your woo-woo?

Are you cheating on your woo-woo?

      Are you cheating on your woo-woo?   I have a request. It’s been a long time coming, inspired by both real-life and online adventures. I’ve spoken it out loud and it’s been met with welcome arms by those who were ready to hear it.   My...

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Are you falling for the ‘I’m not ready’ myth?

Are you falling for the ‘I’m not ready’ myth?

      Are you falling for the ‘I’m not ready’ myth?   You’re feeling a deep-down knowing that you’re here for more.   It feels like your soul is wrestling in a straitjacket. It wants to get OUT!   But then, hot on the heels of that...

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Explore my most recent post below…

The ‘Money – Purpose’ dance

From 17 to 33 I played hokey-kokey with money. In. Out. Money came in. Money went out. That’s what it’s all about. Right? Always back to 0 as soon as possible, as if it were a game I was playing… to lose.

Do you know what I was really playing hokey-kokey with? You put your right foot in… your right foot out…? My PURPOSE. I’m in. No I’m not. I’m in! No…. I’m not.

That is what we’re doing when we’re distracting ourselves with money stories and money worries – what we are actually distracting ourselves from is living fully on purpose.

Now – I want for you to be living deeply on Purpose and delightfully profitable- and yes, both are possible. In fact what I have discovered is they go hand-in-hand. (Just not always how we imagined it.)

The thing about money is it’s such an easy excuse. Hardly anyone will challenge someone who says ‘I can’t afford it’. ‘I can’t afford it’ is considered socially acceptable. Responding with ‘Is that true?’ is considered kinda rude!

But every single service provider I know who is earning really well, no longer accepts that statement from a potential client unquestioningly. Partly this comes from being in the game long enough – we’ve all seen someone say ‘I can’t afford it’ and then renovate their house, fly to Bali or go on to work with a different service provider and think ‘huh. OK so you could afford it – you didn’t choose it. Why?’ and have to face the realisation that WE were the reason why. We didn’t ask the necessary questions. We backed off in the face of ‘I can’t afford it’. We chose being polite over being on Purpose.

From the service-provider role, remember: there is a way to ask ‘is that true?’ to almost ANYTHING that is loving and deeply, deeply of service.

From the potential-client role, when you find yourself saying ‘I can’t afford it’ or worrying about money or choosing what’s possible for you in the future based on past experiences, remember that in that moment you are not in truth. You are in stories. (the bad kind – you all know I love the good kind 😉 ) And it would serve you well to ask – what am I distracting myself from here?

The thing about money is it comes from being on Purpose. And it makes you Visible. So does being on Purpose. So does being Successful. See the theme? Often, ‘I can’t afford it’ is code for ‘I’m scared to take the steps that would result in huge success and the ensuing visibility’.

So what happened at 33??!

1) I moved out. I was suddenly in an environment where the messaging I received was ‘of course you can do that – in fact, why have you not already done that?’ vs ‘are you sure you can do that? What will you do if it doesn’t work?’ Both of these messages came from care, but one was significantly more empowering as an entrepreneur with a dream to create something that didn’t exist yet.

2) I found a coach who for me combined the perfect amount of strategy and care. Helena Holrick; thank you. Helena constantly drew me back to my Purpose – to help others express their Purpose through their life’s work. And when I found something that really worked – my Share the Magic Inside 7 week course – she forced me (lovingly) to DO IT AGAIN.

3) I finally owned and shared my own Magic – my storytelling Magic. I taught the first round of StorySchool in Summer 2019 and 7 versions later I’d say it was a wild success. You can buy it right here.

4) After being so ill with covid for 5 weeks I began prioritising my health even more. For many years, the tagline of my flagship program, The Beacons Sisterhood, was Burn Bright, Not Out. 

I have a friend who tells me that when her baby is crying she channels me to help her feel calm. I thought I WAS prioritising self-care. But for this sensitive soul I had to admit that ‘resting when I’m tired’ was simply not enough. I had to remove the qualifier and just rest. 

My new mantra is simply: ‘I rest. I rest. I rest’. And like an archer draws back their bow before the arrow can fly forward towards its target, I realised the power of drawing my energy back from things that were not sustaining, in order to give it freely and fully to my Purpose. Result = no more hokey-kokey.

5) I hired! Up until January 2021 it was just me and an assistant – first the wonderful Madeleine Forbes and then Lauren Burles who has been with me now for 4 years and is now my Online Business Manager. Megan Sharkey is our talented new assistant and Morag Young came on board in an apprenticeship role and is – tada! – the first fully trained Wild Voice™ Facilitator. (If YOU are interested in adding this method to your toolkit, let me know).

I cannot tell you the difference going from 2 to 4 has made. Suddenly, everything feels possible. When I developed ‘long covid’ pneumonia the team handled EVERYTHING. I am writing this poolside in Spain and you are reading it now after Megan has edited, formatted and scheduled it. Thanks Team! (Interested in a training on how to hire well? My team has been described as ‘solid’ and ‘kick-ass’ – by themselves. Which I think is the ultimate testimonial.)

6) I trained in Voice Dialogue. I’ve been on a wild and deep healing adventure since my first yoga class at 17. Actually before then! I saw my first energy healer aged 7 – and still see her today. But the Voice Dialogue work was the clincher for me – the understanding and more importantly the experience it gave me of the world of voices inside – some helpful, some less so perhaps, but ALL there because they care about me and trying to keep me (their version of) safe, was so freeing. 

I realised that even when I am judging myself it is simply another part of me doing the judging. Neither part needs to be right or wrong. From that perspective, there is so much more room for play and experimentation. This understanding underpins all my coaching work and is the foundation for 2 trainings that happen inside Mesmerise – Safe to be Seen, and Safe to be Supported. Interested in joining? Hit reply and let me know.

7) After recovering from my 5 week covid experience I knew I was ready to step even more into who I truly am and express it even more purely in my work. As always happens, when you are ready, the teacher appears. Baeth Davis showed me what unapologetic self-expression is, day after day, for a year – and gave me the gift of human design. I’d had a few readings years before, but delving into it in that intensive way and consistently applying what I learnt to my business and life ready did change everything. I discovered a new level of ease, joy and clarity in both my marketing and my delivery – I’m now learning to read HD charts and am excited to weave it into my body of work.

The essentialised learnings

Let yourself receive support. We cannot do this – undo years of conditioning and grow ourselves and our businesses bravely – by ourselves. 

Get the right kind of support for you. Someone recently asked me ‘when does the investing stop?!’ It stops when you stop growing. If you want to keep growing as a business owner, you will need to keep investing.

Hone in on what you are uniquely designed to do. Draw your attention away from anything that distracts you from this.

When you find something that works, DO IT AGAIN!