You’re invited to join me in celebrating my

9th Business Birthday with

a 9 day super-sale!


Each day you’ll have  just 24 hours to get your hands on a carefully selected group of courses, trainings and coaching that will make 2024 shine a little bit brighter for you and your business!



StorySchool + 1:1 with me



Wednesday 22nd November

from 9am  UK


Empathic Marketing



Thursday 23rd November

from 9am  UK


The Wild Voice Bundle



Friday 24th November

from 9am  UK


Team Work to make the Dream Work



Saturday 25th November

from 9am  UK


Completing 2023 + Welcoming 2024



Sunday 26th November

from 9am  UK



3 Available



Monday 27th November

from 9am  UK


Ask the Team



Tuesday 28th November

from 9am  UK


Show Up and Shine Immersion



Wednesday 29th November

from 9am  UK


Pre-order my book and launch invite



Thursday 30th November

from 9am  UK

What’s up for grabs?


The thing that makes the difference.

We’ll spend a day together (online or in-person) working on your messaging, your TED Talk or crafting your next level offer.

Only 3 available

£5,000 + VAT

Available for only:

Show Up and Shine Online Immersion

A two day online immersion happening Spring 24 looking at your brand voice, messaging, practical content ideas and an understanding of ways to grow beyond your current audience size so your voice can reach more of the people who need it.


Available for only:


My signature 5-week course. Available for you to go through immediately (usually £895+VAT)

AND we’re adding in a 1:1 with me to read and review your story (£300+VAT)

Only 10 spaces.

£1,295 + VAT

Available for just:

Team Work to make the Dream Work

Move from Lone Wolf to Leading the Pack with this jam-packed super-parctical training that covers…

When to hire, who to hire and how to find them…

Plus – how to use human design to guide the growth of your business.

£275 + VAT

Available for only:

Completing & Welcoming

A place on my end-of-year mini-retreat to celebrate and awknowledge the year that’s been and look forward to the year ahead. It happens online and is now in it’s 6th year.

£129+ VAT

Available for only:

Ask the Team

A small group workshop with my Operations Manager – Megan Sharkey. Get her expertise on your business and solve a tech, admin, systems or design issue that might be holding you back.

5 spaces available.

£99 + VAT

Available for only:

Pre-order my book + get a launch invite

‘More you More Money’ is coming out in 2024! Get your copy first and get an invite to the launch party! There will be special treats in store for the early supporters.

£60 + VAT

Available for only:

Empathic Marketing

A training on how to market your work with care, leading with vision and meeting your clients in their pain, NOT prodding their pain and offering yourself up as a magic solution to fix it.

£49 + VAT

Available for only: 

The Wild Voice Bundle

Meet your Wild Voice and find out what you really have to say. 

You get three Wild Voice Writing audios to discover how to discern when it is your Wild Voice speaking and when it isn’t so you can show up with clear energy.

Experience the impact that becomes possible when you speak from your Wild Voice.  

£49 + VAT

Available for only:








The Schedule

The 9 Day sale

Each product is available for 24 hours


Day 1

Wednesday 22 November – StorySchool

Day 2

Thursday 23rd November – Empathic Marketing

Day 3

Friday 24th November – The Wild Voice Bundle

Day 4

Saturday 25th November – Team Work to make the Dream Work

Day 5

Sunday 26th November – Completing & Welcoming

Day 6

Monday 27th November – VIP Day

Day 7

Tuesday 28th November – Ask the Team

Day 8

Wednesday 29th November – Show Up and Shine Immersion

Day 9

Thursday 30th November – Pre-order my book + launch invite

What do you have your eye on?

Mark your calendar now and help me celebrate 9 years in business.